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What you need to start making sourdough.


Updated: Nov 4, 2024

So you want to start making sourdough but don’t know where to start? Here are the things you need to get going, most you can find already in your kitchen!


Bread Flour- My favorite is King Arthur’s Bread flour but any will do! You can tequnically use any kind of flour but I suggest using All purpose or Bread Flour. I prefer bread flour when your starter is active, and for bread making, but it is okay to start a starter with All Purpose!

Filtered water- I use it straight out my fridges tap! A Britain’s filter, or bottled water will work just as well. I highly suggest sticking to filtered water. Tap water isn’t going to harm or kill your starter, BUT it does make it slower to develop an active starter. You don’t get as good of activity when you use tap. Don’t be fooled, I have used tap when I was being lazy and it was fine, but the extra few steps to use filtered water are worth it!


Glass jar - I use a wide mouth mason jar, with its ring but no lid. Any glass jar will work, if it had a ring lid that’s a bonus, if not we can use rubber bands.

2 Rubber Bands- You only need one if your jar has a lid, or ring!

Wooden Spoon or Spatula- I have no idea why it has to be wooden, but it really does make a difference. Not a huge one, but in a pinch flip your rubber spatula over and use the handle!

Rubber Spatula- You’ll use this to scrape the sides of your jar down!

Paper Towel- real fancy right? Yep I told y’all you could probably find all of this stuff in your house! You’ll use this as a “lid” and secure it with your jar’s ring or one of your rubber bands. If your jar has a lid, that’s fine! Just don’t seal it on your jar, keep it open and just placed on top!

Mixing bowl- when its time to make bread you’ll use this! Can be glass or stainless steal!

  • a lot of people may tell you you need a baneton to proof your bread in. While I do suggest them if you discover you really love making sourdough, you can get going without one.

Sharp Knife- You’ll need this to score your loaf when its ready!

Dutch Oven WITH Lid - You don’t have to have a fancy one, any Dutch over you have will work. You can find these at yard sales and goodwill all the time if you’re ballin on a budget!

That’s it. You do not need to go out and buy a bunch of fancy tools or new things to get started on your quest to make sourdough bread. I waited two months to purchase all the tools because I get myself into things and buy stuff for my next new interest, for them to sit on a shelf and quickly collect dust and never be used. Coming from a chronic impulse buyer, I get the urge, so if you want all the new tools, I suggest the ones linked here!

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